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New Beginnings - 26/02/2023

It is motivating to move from season to season because the human heart always longs for something new and fresh or something completely different. It is good to want, and to get used to, different things. This will expose you to a variety of different things that can bring joy into your life, but prepare you to move on at the right time. As we enter the season of Lent, we can look back with gratitude and satisfaction to a short period of Ordinary time; this was a short gap between Christmas and Lent. It was a stop gap that gave opportunity to think about the life and ministry of Jesus before we journey with him to the cross. As you have understood the purpose for his mission, the Lenten season prepares you for a new life with the risen Christ. The observation of Lent at the beginning of spring season, symbolically introduce us to new life. The days begin to get longer, and we can see that trees and flowers are beginning to blossom. Lent course: Bible study during the Lenten season will be held on Mondays, at 2:00pm in the Choir Vestry, except for the first Monday of the Month when the session will be held in the Vicarage. Please do join us whenever you can. May God grant us strength to stand against evil.

Rev’d Jairo Nyaongo

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