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An Important Day - 11/06/2023

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

This will be the last time I write in the star as a deacon! As many of you are aware, I am to be priested at Elstow Abbey on the 30th of June at 7.30pm. Everyone is more than welcome should they want to come and be part of the congregation. However, I fully understand that the location and times are not convenient for many. Numbers are limited at the abbey so please do let me know if you would like to attend. As I have previously mentioned (many times) the sacrament of the Eucharist is central to my calling to priesthood. So, my first presiding at St Augustine’s (at 9.15am) and at Holy Trinity (at 11.00am) will be the real highlight of my journey so far. It will be a privilege to preside over communion and share in the breaking of bread together. Following these services, you are all cordially invited to ‘Pete’s Priesting Pimms Party’ (as Pam is calling it) at the Biscot Vicarage at 12.30pm until 2.30pm. If you could let us know if you are coming on the sheet at the back of church that would be great. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has made me, and the family, feel so welcome over the last year. It feels strange to be at the end of my first year already, but it has been thoroughly enjoyable and forming of my future ordained ministry.

With grateful thanks.

Rev’d Pete Farquhar

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