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The Curate's Letter - 08/10/2023


Dear brothers and Sisters in Christ,

At this week’s soup morning at Holy Trinity, a homeless Ukrainian man came in and was tremendously grateful for some of Mary’s delicious soup. After he had gone, whilst Mary and I were continuing cleaning the church ahead of the funeral service, she said If that is the only person who comes here today, then it has all been worth it! Her words stuck with me, and I pondered on them whilst hoovering up cobwebs between the pews and I recalled that Wednesday was the lesser feast day of Francis of Assisi. According to legend, Francis was riding his horse one day when he saw a leper by the roadside, begging for money. He dismounted, gave him a coin, and kissed him on the cheek. As Francis rode away, he looked back and thought for a moment that he saw Christ Himself standing where the beggar had stood. In Matthew 25:35, Jesus talks of our duty to care for the hungry, thirsty, sick, and alone. So, as we head into next week, I encourage us all to be mindful and open to engage with opportunities where we can respond to Christ’s calling to be servants to those in need around us. Because, at the end of the passage, Jesus says “whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”

Rev’d Pete

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