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The Curate's Letter 21/01/2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As I approach my last Sunday as Curate at St Augustine’s and Holy Trinity, I do so with very mixed emotions. For the last 18 or so months both churches have been my spiritual home where I have connected not only with God, but with the best church family of worshippers that I have ever encountered. I cannot thank you enough for your loving and welcoming embrace you have given me and the family. Also for the opportunity to grow as a minister, journey in faith with fellow committed Christians, eat together, laugh together, and to be beacons of God’s light together. In times of uncertainty, I turn to the Bible and, as I did this week, God whispered St Pauls words from Acts 20:24. As Paul is saying goodbye to the Ephesian Elders he writes, “I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me — the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace” They are sobering words which, although in no way begin to nullify the sadness of leaving something so good and happy behind, are a stark reminder to us all to be mindful of God’s calling on each of our lives. This calling is to testify to God’s amazing, good news by what we say and do, wherever God places us. Which for me, is now at All Saints with St Peters. With prayers and blessings on whatever the future holds for each of us.

In His service,

Rev’d Pete Farquhar

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