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The Vicar's Letter - 07/04/2024


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We have shared in our journey through Lent, many good things which God has given us including our skills and talents. The end of the season culminated in the Easter Eucharist for all the Family with beautiful decoration of the church with flowers, Easter Garden, knitted chicks and rabbits and the sharing of Easter eggs. Pastoral and Prayer Team members also visited the house-bound during Holy Week. I am deeply grateful for the generous contribution from all of us, without forgetting those who assisted with the liturgies, music, welcoming and refreshments. When we are united in service, we create a truly sacred and welcoming space in our two churches. This is a witness to what God is doing among us and we must let it be known to our local community. People will believe when they see for themselves the marks in Jesus hands through our discipleship. Thomas said to the other disciples “Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands, and put my finger in the mark of the nails and my hand in his side, I will not believe.” We are called to be trustworthy because Thomas never doubted the Risen Lord, he only doubted the witness of the people around him. Let us continue to share the good news of the gospel in our actions and faith. Lord Jesus Father, reveal yourself to us and help us know the heights and depths of your compassionate love.


Rev’d Jairo Nyaongo

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