Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Throughout the season of Advent, we celebrated hope, peace, love, and joy brought to us by believing in what Christ is coming to accomplish. We have been alert, and awake, listening to God’s words as we waited his arrival and making room for him in our lives. We recalled the elements of Advent this Christmas and look forward to continue with them into the New Year. We worked collaboratively throughout the season to share this good news and supported those in need among us. It is my prayer and hope that we will continue to do so in the New Year. I would therefore like to thank you so much for the immeasurable contribution you made to make this a season of great joy to all of us. I want to let you know that your dedication is essential to the mission and ministry of this parish. It is my hope that you will continue to help in any way you can to ensure that we continue to fulfil the mission of the Parish. I therefore invite your prayers, ideas, and positive energy for the coming year.
God in Trinity, eternal unity of perfect love; gather the nations to be one family, and draw us into your holy life through the birth of Emmanuel, our Lord Jesus Christ.
I wish you a Happy New Year!
Rev’d Jairo Nyaongo