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The Vicar's Letter - 31/12/2023

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ

The end of the year can provoke questions as to what has or has not been accomplished. As we come to the end of this year we look back with mixed emotions, for what a year it has been. The year has brought both joys and sadness in different ways. The year ends with sadness because we miss our family members and friends who have died, but we are also thankful with the knowledge that they are at peace with the Lord. There is no doubt there will be many challenges and exciting things in the coming year. We are looking forward to growing the parish and responding positively to any unresolved issues. Our main challenges, among others as a parish will be:  to install a new heating system in St. Augustine’s church,  to maintain a supportive ministry,  to complete our mission action plan, and  to review the use of the Holy Trinity church. Many of you have been involved in the mission and ministry of this parish, and we pray that God will enhance our skills to enable us continue to work together. We give thanks for those who have given generously financially, and for their time and talents that have sustained the life of parish especially after a difficult period of lockdown. Today we are saying goodbye to our Lay Reader Janna Bond, who has served at St. Augustine’s church for many years. We are grateful for her contribution to the life of this parish and we wish her every blessing in her new ministry. It is my prayer that we will continue to be inspired by God’s love in Jesus Christ in everything we plan to do in the coming year.

I wish you a blessed New Year.

Rev’d. Jairo Nyaongo

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