Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, We gathered together this week as family and friends to celebrate the lives of 3 people we have known and loved. It was a week that reminded us that life is fragile and that we must remain stronger in our endeavour to support one another. The bereaved families are thankful that we were able to support and join them in accompanying their loved one on their final earthly journeys. I therefore, want to express my gratitude for your solidarity and affection at such difficult times. Our love and care contributed to the easing of their sadness and at the same time strengthen their hope for the future. Lent Bible Study: The Bible study will be held on Monday 6th March at 2.00pm in St. Augustine’s Vicarage. Please do join us. Almighty God, by the prayer and discipline of Lent may we enter into the mystery of Christ’s sufferings and by following in his Way, may we come to share in his glory: through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Rev’d Jairo Nyaongo