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Waiting - 19/11/2023


Dear brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I have been away for an extended period to deal with family matters, and in waiting for the outcomes, I realised how helpless and troubled I was. Waiting can be troubling; especially when you know that something is there for you but not readily within your grasp. As we prepare to enter the season of Advent, let us also be prepared for the period of waiting with open heart and yearning Spirit. As I was waiting for the outcomes, I had to find things to do to get me through the idleness and the pain of waiting. The church has also planned events and activities to get you through the Advent and beyond but most importantly to prepare you for daily Christian life. The activities are advertised in the Parish Magazine, social media, and posters. The Church of England is inviting you to follow the Star to the manger, opportunity for daily reflections leading up to Christmas, and the twelve days after Christmas. You can download the app from

Heavenly Father, stir us from apathy, restrain us from excess and revive in us new hope. Amen

Revd Jairo Nyaongo

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