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St Augustine's Church with Holy Trinity

Dec 30, 2023
The Vicar's Letter - 31/12/2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ The end of the year can provoke questions as to what has or has not been accomplished. As we come to...

Dec 23, 2023
Decisions - 24/12/2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, As I sit and write my last letter to you, I feel a mixture of sadness and joy. Sadness because my...

Dec 9, 2023
St Nicholas - 10/12/2023
Dear brothers and Sisters in Christ, Around the year 270 AD, a man was born to a wealthy family who would later become known as Saint...

Dec 3, 2023
Follow the Star to the Manger - 03/12/2023
Dear brothers and Sisters in Christ, The Advent Bible study group will be meeting in St. Augustine’s Choir Vestry as from Monday 4th...

Nov 26, 2023
The Curate's Letter - 26/11/2023
Dear brothers and Sisters in Christ, There are wonderful resources available at this time of year for reflection and devoting time to...

Nov 19, 2023
Waiting - 19/11/2023
Dear brothers and Sisters in Christ, I have been away for an extended period to deal with family matters, and in waiting for the...

Nov 12, 2023
We Will Remember Them - 12/11/2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, We always remember part of a poem, especially when we see and hear it on numerous occasions and I...

Nov 5, 2023
The Curate's Letter - 05/11/2023
Dear brothers and Sisters in Christ, Amid the Halloween festival happening around us, I would like to say thank you to Rose who kindly ...

Oct 28, 2023
The Reader's Letter - 29/10/2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, We often put people to the test without realising that we have done so. Rev’d Grant’s sermon on...

Oct 21, 2023
Maximilian Kolbe - 22/10/2023
Dear brothers and Sisters in Christ, Last week was the anniversary of Maximilian Kolbe’s canonisation as a Saint by Pope John Paul the...

Oct 14, 2023
The Reader's Letter - 15/10/2023
Dear brothers and Sisters in Christ, How many times have we often forgot to say thank you, to friends, family, work colleagues or...

Oct 7, 2023
The Curate's Letter - 08/10/2023
Dear brothers and Sisters in Christ, At this week’s soup morning at Holy Trinity, a homeless Ukrainian man came in and was tremendously...

Sep 30, 2023
Looking at Poverty - 01/10/2023
Dear brothers and Sisters in Christ, In our world today, it is difficult to comprehend why there is extreme wealth and extreme poverty....

Sep 23, 2023
The Curate's Letter - 24/09/2023
Dear brothers and Sisters in Christ, How often do we compare ourselves to others? I do it regularly! Comparing ourselves to others is not...

Sep 16, 2023
The Reader's Letter - 17/09/2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, On Tuesday I had my first face-to-face meeting with the Deanery Advisors for Readers. We had a...

Sep 9, 2023
Fruits of the Spirit - 10/09/2023
Returning to work this week, I was reminded of the nine fruits of the Spirit. (Read Galatians 5.22-23). Listening to the music that Roy...

Sep 2, 2023
Change of Service Times
CHANGES TO THE TIMES OF WORSHIP It was agreed at the Annual Parochial Church meeting held on 21st May 2023 that due to the changing...

Aug 26, 2023
The Vicar's Letter - 07/08/2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The gospel (Matthew 16.13-20) appointed for this Sunday, reminds us of Jesus Christ, the Son of the...

Aug 20, 2023
The Vicar's Letter - 20/08/2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Greetings from Tanzania: My family and Friends from Tanzania have sent us back to the UK with their...

Aug 12, 2023
A Time to Reflect - 13/08/2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Rev’d Peter spoke about his ‘Pete’s Panic.’ How many of us have had situations where we say or do...
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