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St Augustine's Church with Holy Trinity

Aug 5, 2023
The Curate's Letter - 06/08/2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, During a Bible Study with some Iranian Refugees on Tuesday one of them asked me why we bother to...

Jul 22, 2023
The Vicar's Letter - 23/07/2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I have been thinking about what to write and found the comforting words from Simeon who after he...

Jul 15, 2023
The Importance of Vows - 16/07/2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, On Sunday we had a joint Eucharist and Baptism service which was very moving, and several thoughts...

Jul 8, 2023
Jesus is either going to a meal, at a meal, or coming from a meal - 09/07/2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has been with me on my journey to...

Jul 2, 2023
The Vicars Letter - 02/07/2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, On this fourth Sunday after Trinity, we are reminded of the importance of hospitality. Jesus tells...

Jun 24, 2023
75th Anniversary of Windrush - 25/06/2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Ordination: Our Curate Pete Farquhar will be ordained to the priesthood on Friday 30th June at...

Jun 17, 2023
Fibonacci in Nature - 18/060/2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Rev’d Peter mentioned numbers in his sermon last week. And being someone that loves numbers, I need...

Jun 10, 2023
An Important Day - 11/06/2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, This will be the last time I write in the star as a deacon! As many of you are aware, I am to be...

Jun 3, 2023
The Vicars Letter - 04/06/2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, In our celebration of the mystery and harmonious unity of the Holy Trinity: the Father, the Son and...

May 27, 2023
The Vicars Letter - 28/05/2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I am writing to remind us that we have a 10:00am combined Sung Eucharist Service at St. Augustine’s...

May 20, 2023
What is Your Cup? - 21/05/2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Last Sunday Rev’d Pete had me thinking. I wonder what is in my cup? I feel that when life throws us...

May 13, 2023
The Coronation - 14/05/2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Like I suspect many families did across the world, the four of us settled down to watch the...

May 6, 2023
The Vicars Letter - 07/05/2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Everyday events can bring varied challenges to our supposedly peaceful lives. We hear of rumours...

Apr 29, 2023
The Vicars Letter - 30/04/2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The Coronation of His Majesty the King and Her Majesty the Queen Consort will take place on...

Apr 25, 2023
The Vicars Letter - 23-04-2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I would like us, on this third Sunday of Easter to thank God for reaching down to us through the...

Apr 15, 2023
There are Many Types of Meetings - 16/04/2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Would I have the courage if preaching on Easter Sunday to stand and announce, “He is risen, Amen,” ...

Apr 8, 2023
Eggs & Rabbits the Easter Connection - 09/04/2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Happy Easter! I was struck this year that the media seems to have increased its association of...

Mar 31, 2023
Holy Week Begins - 02/04/2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Join us for services in any of our two churches for the commemoration of Christ's triumphal entry...

Mar 25, 2023
Daily Renewals - 26/030/2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The readings for this fifth Sunday of Lent remind us that God wants us to live a new and fuller...

Mar 18, 2023
Can You Hear Me? - 19/03/2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, It has been an interesting few weeks. Many of you may not know, but about three weeks ago, I lost my...
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